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Showing posts with label Obamacare. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Obamacare. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Getting Bank in 2015

As the economy and stock markets are on record breaking comebacks just like the high top fade. One thing that has not made a real strong comeback is the minimum wage or better yet a "livable" wage.  It's just been announced 20 states plan to increase the minimum wage from the federal minimum of $7.25 at the beginning of 2015.
This new change will affect about 4 million people. Depending on what state you live in your upgrade can vary greatly.  The state of South Dakota (also the place known to freeze your ass off!) is issuing the largest pay increase of  $1.25 per hour and the state with the lowest minimum wage pay increase is Florida with a measly .12 cent pay increase. (Oooooh! Wow! Your ballin' now playa! I got .12 cents on deck! Fool!)  Many states cross country are tired of waiting for "Washington's Crips and Bloods" to make a decision on a minimum wage increase therefore, they decided to go at it alone. Let's just compare apples to apples and look at the minimum wage for other industrialized countries of the world, now keep in mind a lot of them have a higher tax rates but nevertheless they are cutting bigger checks.

Denmark $20 an hour 
Australia $13.66 an hour
Germany $10.40 an hour
France $11.66 an hour
United States $7.25 an hour

If you consider inflation along with this pay rate of $7.25, minimum wage workers in "the greatest country of the world" are actually getting paid a lot less than they were 10 years ago.  Yes, there is plenty of pushback from small business owners because in 2015 they will have to deal with the complexities of the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) but lawmakers and the general public overall agree this increase is a good move. Furthermore, our Armed Forces will also receive a 1% pay increase next year. The only group that will not participate is the top brass. Even though I do not think, that this equates to sacrifice these individuals give everyday for our country. I strongly believe it's better than nothing at all but still needs great improvement.

Finally, all of us had to start somewhere and for most of us like Drizzy Drake! "We started at the bottom and we are still trying to get there!" Hear me, I am not pushing for a person who works the smoothie machine or scans your groceries at the supermarket to be compensated the same as a CEO of a Fortune 500 company but I believe individuals should be paid decent money (not pimped) for an honest day of work. Real talk!

Minimun Wage State by State

Military Pay Increase